not long after he got back, a neighbor came and told matilda, mrs. tebbetts, there are a group of confederate sympathizers that will finish the job did mcculloch could not finish. matilda left the parlor where she was entertaining the neighbor, talked to jonas. jonas came in, said hello, and walked down the front walk and waved goodbye to matilda, got on his horse, and rode out of town. when he got just past the confederate lines he went up to the union line. when he was there, he shared information about the area and the people, and never lived in this house again. the information that we have is from the oldest daughter's journal. it was her memories that she wrote in her late 80's. what she said was while jonas was in prison in fort smith, the confederate soldiers demanded the drapes and carpets to be used as blankets and saddle blankets. instead of just giving it to them, matilda had the slaves take them down, beat out the dirt, fold them nicely, and give them to the army. matilda hid any hard feelings that she had. she did where several pieces of gold co