eight—year—old princess matsebula has grown up in coal country.it's very hard cos she'll be quiet, she won't eat, she won't talk, she won't do anything. official information about pollution levels here is curiously hard to get but leaked studies suggest this province is among the most polluted places on earth and that the coal industry is killing thousands of people every year. my wish is they have to cancel the coal so that we can breathe clean air. do you think they will? they must. they must cancel the coal because it is killing us. this coal is killing us. these local campaigners say the government is putting jobs before health and ignoring court orders to enforce pollution standards. it's... sobs. for me, i can't even explain the feeling inside. and it's been long talking about this but it doesn't come up into terms where i can swallow it. it's painful. so, nothing changes? nothing changes. but change might be coming. south africa is big and sunny. it has vast wind and solar potential. and western nations are now backing something called a ju