overheard with evan smith is provided by hillco partners, texas consultancy and the hillco health and matson mchalend also by the alice clay burg renalds foundation and viewers >> kevin young was born in lincoln, nebraska. he went to harvard, stanford, brown. his books of poetry include black mariah, for the confederate dead, dear darkness, and jelly roll. >> there's a way a woman will not relinquish her pocketbook, even pulled onstage or called up to the pulpit. there's a way only your auntie can make it taste right. rice and gravy is a meal if my late great aunt tutta cooks it. aunts cook like there's no tomorrow, and they're right. too hot is how my aunt tutty peppers everything, her name given by my father for seeing her smiling in her crib. there's a barrel full of rainwater beside the house that my infant father will fall into, trying to see himself the bottom. and there's his sister margie yanking him out by his hair, grown long as superstition. never mind the flyswatter they chase you round the house and into the yard with, ready to whup the daylights out of you. that's only a threat. aunti