as we go right now to boston to speak with matt cameron, immigration attorney and managing partner oferon law offices in boston. he's representing migrant justice organizers. matt welcome to democracy now! ,explain what they have been charged with ny cesar alex carrillo is still in jail. amy: it is important understand current there is no crime here. they have been charged with respectively in zully cost case, overstaying a visa and kike plus case, being here without permission and the same with alex. alex d does remain in jail witho bond due to a case that was dismissed in vermont. the vermont state's attorney's office did not seek the to and withheld prosecution that allowed him to go free. our government immediately picked them up and he was denied any -- any bond after that. of thelk about the cases three and their arrest. isaac spokesman said -- "ice does not target individuals based on political beliefs or activism. the reasons for the recent arrests in vermont have already been addressed publicly. on march 15, ice officers arrested a 23-year-old mexican national who was charged