. >> reporter: among neighbors who spoke approvingly of the shelter, matt carson. >> i hope they see that the people who were suffering here are in a better place after this opens. >>eporter: well, the center will begin serving 130 people when it opens its doors. then it will add 70 beds over a six-month period for a total capacity of 200 beds. it will be the biggest navigation center in the city. dan, ama. >> i think the biggest but for how long? we're told the navigation center isn't permanent so what exactly is the time line here. >> remember this navigation center is on port property and they have a two-year lease. the city can renew it for another two years but i'm told that will be based on the success or, for that matter, the failure of this navigation center. dan, ama. >> thank you, vic. >>> let's take a look at how you voted in our poll at abc7news.com/vote. >> right now 69% saying it will hurt the neighborhood, whereas 31% are saying that the new navigation center will actually help the homeless. >>> now to the north bay where a mile-long homeless encampment is gaining nati