joining me, congressman matt cartwright. o joining with us fellow freshman who we met a few weeks ago. we save the biography a little bit. indiana republican congressman luke messer, president of the republican freshman class. congressman cartwright, you are one of four presidents, i need to get that clear, right? have you guys decided how you serve? >> that's -- we have. the first year is going to be split. we have co-presidents the first year between me and a terrific congressman from san antonio, texas. joaquin castro. we'll be co-presidents the first year. the second year will be michelle luhan gresham from new mexico. and a terrific congressman from maryland, john delaney. >> who we met just last week here. congressman cartwright i want to start with you. i know you guys had a bipartisan meeting last week with bill gates. i hear all this talk. luke messer has been on here before with other freshmen democrats. that this freshman class is intent on trying to put something together. is there any chance you guys are going to