please welcome march for our livers activist emma gonzalez and matt deitsch.u here, is that the first thing will you do is go to my water, just check. >> no, it's the mug. >> trevor: what if it was a fake mug and you would expose the fact i don't have any real things in my cup. welcome to the show. thank so much for being here. what is fascinating in wamping your journey, many people get ang disng-- angry when bad people happen in their world, not just in america, everywhere. some people do something but you continue to work at it to make change. what do you think keeps driving you? >> i definitely know that in the very beginning of all this we met way bunch of kids from chicago who, the peace warriors mainly who we are still friends with today. and they 208d us about the six principles of nonviolence, martin luther king and principle number five is, no, principle number four is accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to achieve the goal. which means basically doesn't matter what you face as an individual, the goal is much more important