. >> mottoed has been credit -- matt dowd, an aide of president obama, that's what i thought was significant the holidays, you're heading there. does that say that you're not interested in being governor and you're more interested in being president? >> it doesn't say anything. i have so many friends, democrats and republicans. i'm friendly with everybody. they want me to go to new hampshire and they've asked me to make a speech and i will be doing that. it's a great group of people. i really like that state a lot. i have a lot of friends there. i'm going to go make a speech. i wouldn't take too much from it. but they have asked me. many people have asked me to make speeches. when i do, it ends up being like why is he doing that? but i do it as a thing where i have great relationships. that's all it is. >> we're a couple of days away from christmas. what are your exact plans? something fancy you'll be doing with the family? >> i'm building a place in miami, 800-acres called "trump national doral." i'll thereby and at marla goh in palm beach and i'll be all over the place. but i will be large