[applause] >> my name is matt feltstein. i work for progress foundation for a house for the mentally ill and the drug addicted. in the years i have been doing this job i had all kinds of jobs. i came from a privileged family and don't know what it's like to struggle. what i can say about my co-workers is they're brave, compassionate understanding people ever going to meet in my life so i am in awe. that's all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. [applause] >> hi i am also here encouraging to you consider the 4% increase to nonprofits in the city. when we were walking around meeting with you guys in your offices earlier this month supervisor farrell's office mentioned this budget is a moral document and i would ask if this is so that the priorities of this budget consider not only mine and my co-workers dedication to service, not only the community that we -- you and i have the privilege to serve, but i ask to you consider the effects of the dissolving safety net and services would have on the value of