the reason i bring this up, there is a gentleman major matt goldstein. he has not had any formal charges filed and has been kicked out of special forces they revoked his special forces tab. they said they said he allegedly killed an unarmed bomb maker that had just killed two marines. they revoked his silver star. i say they they, i mean secretary john mchugh, the secretary of the army a distinguished member of this committee in congress took away a silver star that it took one year of research for major goldstein to get one year of research. one to three years to get any award. he revoked the award without due process. there has not been a single formal charge. secretary mccue revoked his silver star which was in the process of being upgraded to a distinguished service cross. i don't want to read the entire citation, but it is pretty damn inspiring. laser sharp focus and emotionless decision-making kept his combined patrol a step ahead of the skilled and prepared enemy and his decisions prevented the loss of aircraft in vehicles and save the life of an