matt hawkins. heads for days as a time. we all say "you, too" when the 19 the final. >>> across town, scot scotts deli guy says have a good show and we walk away mumbling, why am i so stupid? global warming or religion? doesn't matter. cause some day we are all going to drown and burn in hell together. of arizona. that's why. [ laughter ] >> look, people need to trust americans to make the right decision. that's how democracy works. cub fan, tomorrow it's time to sometimes we make great decisions like serving mcdonald's breakfast all day. [ laughter ] and sometimes we make terrible it says fyi if you maid any decisions like eating mcdonald's breakfast all day. inning, services start at 10:45 i know right now it seems like don't go late. many cub fans still set we are hopelessly divided but soon we'll all come together as night on 12 you haven't seen. journey toward impeaching whoever we just elected. remember his dad smiling. because on tuesday the fate of our country is finally in the hands of the people who truly matter -