but don't listen to me, listen to our carpet care expert, matt lattimore. >> lise, it's great to seeexcited, because today we're gonna learn all about the fabulous rug doctor mighty pro. you know, most people really don't know what's going on down deep inside of their carpet. it's the dirt and the grit deep in your carpet, beyond the reach of your vacuum, that act like sandpaper that can actually destroy your carpet fibers. if you don't remove these damaging elements, your carpet can get that worn-out, matted look. you know, like in those high-traffic areas. >> so, what is the best way to protect our investment, prolong the life of our carpets and keep them looking great? >> bottom line, lise, you gotta get rid of this dirt and this grit. and that's where the rug doctor mighty pro comes in. now, check out this carpet. this is obviously dirtier than any carpet you're gonna have in your own home. this is ground-in, oily dirt that's actually sticking to the carpet fibers. with just some hot water and a little of the rug doctor steam cleaner, you get what i call "one-swipe cleaning." let