strategist matt mackowiak.e was laughter from the audience right after he said it. you know, he said the more you test, the more cases you have, the more negative the coverage is. and that's true. the more important thing is the positivity rate and the hospitalisation rate, and both of those numbers have remained fairly low in the united states compared to other parts of the world, so i took that as a joke. i understand the media and some of his democratic opponents will take that literally, and we will see what he says when he's asked about it but it certainly looked to me like he wasjoking. what you make of the fact that the rally is taking place at all? of course, the area where he is — he's speaking in tulsa in oklahoma, which has seen daily records throughout the week of increases in numbers there. well, oklahoma was one of the first states to reopen. they're now in phase three of their reopening. they started reopening june i. so i think he felt it was one of the safer places to go. being that he wanted t