of my fellow board members, i want to think the federal transit administration and administrator matt millening an understanding of our $7.5 million grant that will help us maintain bus-reliable service. i also want to thank our east bay congressional delegation for always supporting our efforts and for working so hard on our behalf of the securities grant appeared we know that without congresswoman lee to helping our perpetual fight for fundamental would be much tougher. we need the funding to replace our existing bus fare box system and support equipment. fareboxes are a required element for recording and collecting cash fares on our buses. system failures not only result in lost fare revenues but also costly maintenance, expenses for repair and interruption of service. ac transit will bite fareboxes and equipment for storage as well as equipment to manage the system. replacement will bring our fair system into a state of good repair and enable us to provide our customer with most reliable transit service. a game, thank you, deputy, and to our congressional delegation for your leadership a