we are now joined by the editors of this jersey blog, matt rooney. >> it's completely fair, if the shoeits. there's plenty example throughout human history and they failed when they tried to destroy the free market and disrupt free enterprise. they end up hurting the people they pretend to help. in this case, chris christie wants to take $300 million for private company and use of her program to fight opiate abuse. in turn what he's really going to do is create a $1000 tax a new jersey families every year. how that will get people to make healthier choices to find a prosperous route to living in new jersey is beyond me. >> when i asked governor christie about what steve forbes said compared his demonstration to the venezuelan government. he left. >> steve forbes compared your administration to venezuela. [laughter] >> he took it very lightly, there is definitely a point to be taken. governor christie is not a dictator can take over company and decide he wants how many millions of villa budget hole in new jersey. new jersey is slated to possibly even shut down this week as i can't come u