there was an article by matt taibbi in "rolling stone" about spending, and to read it makes you sick,he waste of money and the insider shenanigans that went on. you are between the rock and a hard place, a live at that. host: the speaker of the house, john boehner, at the white house later this smarting. he will be joined by house and senate colleagues, including senator kyl, and senator mcconnell, also harry reid and nancy pelosi. there will be a speech by the president this afternoon, live coverage including c-span3 and on c-span radio and as with all the programming, streamed on the web at the deficit speech will be a lightning rod. the midday speech in washington, he will propose a sweeping plan that includes cuts to entitlement programs such as medicare, limits on military spending, and an overhaul the tax system designed to bring in more revenue. further into the story, alan simpson, the co-chair of the commission on the deficit, all former dot -- gop senator, saying that the speech would be a mistake if the president does not outline in detail. one of the points in