towery. >> i know matt well. >> yeah, i sent him the north carolina results.e said, if he's up seven in north carolina, the bottom is falling out of the clinton campaign. that's his term. i can imagine a circumstance where people look at 650,000 e-mails over here, they look at all of the corruption in the clinton foundation over here, look at all of the wikileaks about podesta, and they say, i can't do it. i have a friend who has a young voter in their family, very liberal, bernie sanders supporter, walked in, knew he couldn't vote for trump, thought he might vote for clinton. he was voting early voting. he said he looked at the ballot and he said, i cannot do it, skipped the presidency totally and went down ballot. this was a sanders vote who couldn't vote for hillary. i also had -- >> sanders voters were robbed. wikileaks exposed it all. >> exactly. >> they were robbed blind. the fix was in. all right. i've got to run. >> in fact -- >> go ahead. >> i was going to say trump should probably get an ad that says, if you're a sanders voter, get even, don't vote f