matt winkler has his own must-read. matt: surprise, surprise.ce the very rocky rollout of obamacare two years ago, guess which industry has outperformed every other in the u.s. and has outperformed the global peers? american health care. stephanie: did you know we were talking trump today and you have to come fight? matt: the facts are what they are. when you look at the markets, the markets are not ideological. they are a collection of buyers and sellers, looking for value, and what they found was when you create a program that will ensure more than 60 million -- 16 millions people, that is a real business. guess what happened? in america, the people who take care of that business are doing well. stephanie: i need to read the know donald trump's watch he did tell me he would repeal obamacare, so i want to share this -- do we have it? maybe, maybe not? for health care companies, one thing is clear. in of being the economic catastrophe predicted by congressional republicans -- are enough people listening? -- all the people who voted against the,