mica is again that if you buy a book like matterhorn, what i would like to see is you buy this 800 page book on the vietnam war and maybe you don't want to schlep it on the train that day. so what would be nice is to be able to read it on your phone or read it on your ipad or on what other device that is while you're on the train so you don't have to shut the book around. i think that if that's the way things are going to go and that's what we called abilene, where you buy, you know, you buy the book and pay a few dollars more and you get the e-book for free or something like that. that that the way the industry is going to be going, i think google is a front runner for the understanding what consumers want. >> host: when it comes to digital books, here is some information about some of the devices you can use to read him books. kendall. kendall three has become amazons best-selling product ever. and while amazon does not divulge its numbers, and sources say that over 8 million kindle have been sold this year alone. that was reported by bloomberg. 8 million. >> guest: 8 million. >> host