author matthew desmond lived among them in 2008 to 2009. he's a sociologist, a professor at harvard and a winner of a macarthur fellowship last year. welcome to you. >> thank you. >> brown: that eviction is far more prevalent than most people think and far less part of the discussion around poverty in this country. why do you think that's the case? >> i think we focus a lot on jobs. we focus a lot on mass incarcerations, welfare reform. but housing has been left out of the debate a little bit. we focus on public housing and we focus on neighborhoods, but the private rental market where a vast majority of low income families are living has been largely overlooked. but here is this market, that's taking most of what low income families are making. there's a-- >> brown: an incredible amount, percentage of income. i mean, that's really striking. >> yes. >> brown: 70, 80, 90%. >> yeah, that's what i saw when i was living with families in milwaukee. and we reached a point today that we know that the majority of low income renters are paying most