matthew gambs, as we said, you were in that meeting today. the president went in or what he said to the cameras was that this was all about getting small banks to loan more to businesses that need it. did he make the case? >> he did. he went around the room. it was a very... a conversation more than a meeting. he went around and asked every person, the 12 from around the country. what i heard was everybody has a little bit different circumstance. some places have a lot morlon demand than others but there wasn't anybody who was saying they were absent of a willingness to try. i thought your piece said it really well. community bankers, the banks under a billion dollar in size this is what we do. >> woodruff: so when the president says banks your size need to lend more, that the money is not enough... not enough of that money is getting out there, is he right about that? >> he is. i would say in my case in northern illinois, we increased our commercial loans by 55% this year, to $92 million. it's never been a better time to do some of that for