talking to strangers, matthew gladwell. malcolm gladwell. excellent. this other one is new, the color of compromise. he talks about how racism and slavery influence the church in its early years. highly recommended. we talked about it in the last segment, immigration and climate change. would like to say a word about either? >> we were mentioning with immigration comes this whole terrible practice of family separation. how can that btualjf anyway? any shape, any parents, come on. that should unite folks from across the religious spectrum. >> one of those things you are looking at my folks are going back 20 or 30 years to find out if they have a misdemeanor or some other charges? using that as a basis to separate your kids where they have lived a clean life, a decent life, a hard-working life . so, just a separation of the families is just unconscionable but some of our members in the past years have said please don't talk about politics. you addressed to that in an article recently. >> i wrote an article about how christmas is really profoundly politic