also joining us is "new york times" matthew l. wald. to hit a 777, a missile like that, a 77 doesn't stand a chance? >> not at all. >> at 33,000 feet. >> it's moving relatively slow to the missile. it has a certain limited maneuverability. this is an aircraft that is just moving in a straight line. i mean, forget what movies you may have seen about how you could take evasive action. they wouldn't have even seen this coming. by the time they say mai have seen a contrail coming up, it would have been way too late. >> matthew, i posed a similar question to richard earlier. but speaking to fareed zakaria, they're saying this is one of the places on earth that has had the most unrest in recent history. i'm wondering what it's like getting into that scene from an international community, and if that's going to pose a problem? >> you have to have the cooperation of all sides. i should add that what we learned at the lockerbie bombing, that was bombed over scotland by moammar gadhafi, if you hit a plane at high altitude, it's pressurized. it's