matthew lambert, and then christian lefke. i can't read it. it matthew here? is christian here? >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is kristin lecke, and i'm with the san francisco bicycle coalition. i'm here today on behalf of our 10,000 plus members because someone was hit and killed on the embarcadero and every day we wait to install safety improvements, we put more people in danger. since the death of kevin manning, we, pedi cabs and others have come together to demand change. kevin's death is a devastating consequence of unnecessary delays and a lack of interagency cooperation. time and time again, this left up to friends and family who are grieving to push for solutions that prevent further tragedy. we're here today to demand that the city do more with greater urgency. everyone who bikes the embarcadero deserves better. i have worked hand and hand with many dear friends of kevin over the past month and witnessed their tenacity working for change on this corridor. i want to thank them for their efforts of making this city safer for everyone, even in the after math of