through the democrats and the sandlers who gave 247 million to progressive causes, according to matthew madden are very much a part of that. playing games, doesn't matter. there's a movement here and it's identifiable and you can look at the-- >> okay, lel me about the monday meeting that happens here in new york and the tuesday meeting-- >> can you imagine the brothers giving money to a meeting in partner with abc and backlash. >> ach he been to the monday meeting and now what, they are exactly the same thing. >> i think the problem is disappearance of money for investigative reporting and more power to pro publica if it does that reporting and and pulitzer prizes for work done on doctors taking money from the pharmaceutical companies and in-- we need money for investigative reporting. >> we need it on the right and need it on the left. >> it's known that pulitzer prize fellow liberals, it's no denying that pro publica leans left. >> that's right. >> so what, the koch brothers and-- >> of course this is a capitalist environment in which now there is he' a premium on money for investigative re