, some of you have heard the great communicator ronald reagan talk about america as a shining city upon a hill. he was actually paraphrasing matthew 5:16 when jesus said you are the light of the world, a city set upon a hill cannot be hidden. e ought to be salt and light f we are to glorify god in the workplace. salt makes food palatable. i spent a lot of time in south carolina pastoring the alumnus of the university of south carolina -- at sumter. and anyhow, i cannot imagine grits without salt. i shudder at the thought of grits without salt. your presence in the workplace, bringing who you are as a spiritual building and glorifying god and all you do should make the work lace more palatable. -- workplace more palatable. people should not be high-fiving one another when you have a six day. you should, instead, make the workplace a more peasant environment. be salt. salt, in the days before refrigeration, also preserved food. and your presence in the orkplace, bringing who you are is a spiritual being, should make the workplace a more secure environment. you will recall in genesis 18, abraham interceding for sodom and gomorrah. "g