hospital just a few days after her tragic death when she was at the movies with her boyfriend matthew rodriguez who was among the nine wounded. jillian was the owner of a stirt stirt -- t-shirt printing company. she and her husband also owned a gift and toy shot in lafayette. again, full of life, full of talent full of vigor and happiness. she played the unanimous consent consent -- the ukelele and guitar. two individuals completely, completely irreplaceable and they'll be sorely missed. i also join senator cassidy in recognizing and thanking the heroic actions of those two teachers from a high school in iberia parish. according to several reports ally jumped in front of gina to shield her from the shooting. very very likely saving her life. it caused the bullet to hit gina's leg instead of ally's head and ally was shot in the leg in the process. despite their injuries gina pulled the fire alarm alerting the whole movie theater and certainly saving lives. so we pay tribute and remember them as well. and we also pause and remember and continue praying for the recovery of nine other individuals w