and what was the point of the matthew shepard act. did you i know we haven't talked about it yet, but anybody you just know offhand, no. okay. never mind. so the idea was we want this to be a offense. we have hate crimes. we don't want that to be left as to local enforcement. we want this to be, you know, a federal thing. so this minister is saying, don't muzzle our pulpit. so we oppose the matthew shepard act. this is misguided added compassion and so on. when we see all these other black ministers who who support this. so, so and much of the argument was this is not african this is not something that the african should take pride in. this is something that has sort of come out of the whole you know, slavery experience and so forth and so part of black pride should be rejecting this. so it's it's not only as a as a sin by many fundamentalist ministers, but in this case, there's a whole racial component to it as well. okay. so therefore, i think it's significant that. yes, georgia, just to clarify, the matthew shepard act was the chur