when the story was ready for publication, editor in chief matthew winkler crushed it saying, quote, it is for sure going to, you know, invite the communist party to, you know, completely shut us down and kick us out of the country. so i just don't want to see that as a story that's justified. in short, essentially all major american media outlets other than those of a more conservative or libertarian bent, are subject to powerful chinese influence. what they cover is what the c.c.p. wants them to cover. what they say is what the chinese communist party wants them to say. a recent example is telling. in a report looking at evening news broadcasts from january 17 through march 13, the media research center found that out of -- i'm sorry, 634 minutes of coronavirus coverage, just three minutes and 14 seconds were in any way critical of the chinese government's actions. and 20% of the stories, reporters cited chinese statistics. those statistics, regarded as fraudulent by most objective observers, went unchallenged 97% of the time. this relationship between the u.s. news media and the chin