mattie scott, the mothers, brady campaign, all of the mothers who are part of this endeavor to end gun violence. give it up for the mothers. [applause] >> i would be wrong if i didn't acknowledge jason and all of the gentlemen who came home after doing a life sentence in prison behind violence who are here to end senseless violence. give them brothers a hand. [applause] i definitely have got to give a shout out to the sfpd who are partners of ours to end this gun violence. it is controversy with the community and cops. we are standing here in solidarity. thank you guys for showing up, sfpd. [applause] >> all our community partners based in this together and/or sponsors. dispensary stores, barberry coast, green door, elevated, the shrine who helps us out. there are so many dispensary that help make this happen. my man, adam. he is a business onener, thank you, adam for providing the resource and support to the community and developers. we are all in this together. i want to say thank you. i want to bring up our amazing mayor who is a great leader, not just in our city but in the region.