but we have failed frankly to convince the great majority of people [speaker not understood] matty ross and the papers and the general sentiment that it is a negative one. and, so, we have to stake a few steps back so that we could win in november and jump forward, really take a leap forward. and reevaluate how we approach better parking management in the future so that we can find a revenue stream to be able to do all these thing that we clear want to do which is fund moon i who have earned it in the community and went specifically speaking about seniors and people that we need and we should all be obligate today provide for which is people who have disabilities in our community. so, i'll stop there and thank the staff for all of their dedication. i know that this is going to be hard to hear for a lot of people who worked very hard on this, but i would encourage people to keep at it and recognize that we have done so much in this city. there isn't enough city that i'm aware of that has gotten [speaker not understood]. there isn't enough city that has been able to put as much bicycle in