with matulas died. >> no you may not. >> you have rebuttal if you care to use it. >> yes, i just want to make a few clarifying points. one, again, to reiterate what mark brand just said, there were no curb cuts permitted under the street improvement as part of this 15 foot wide sidewalk, thus, unless the future owners, unless the owner applies in the future to construct one, there is not one in the plans right now, nor is there one approved. with regard to the temporary path, commissioner wilson, my understanding in talking to our inspection staff who were inspecting the work in the public right of way was that this path was constructed strictly as a construction path to get equipment to the site and our decision was if this is construction related it could be issued as a street space permit, however, prior to signing off on the project, whatever was constructed whether it was just ripping through some landscaping, that needs to be restored to its original condition before we seen off on the project. thus, at this point we're still expecting that that temporary path will be restored.