a matza ball, if you will. ( laughter ) donald trump is an equal opportunity offender.ot just the jews. he's also got space for the blacks. >> are you going to include the cbc, mr. president, in your conversations with your urban agenda, your inner city agenda as well as -- >> am i going to include who? >> the congressional black caucus and the congressional -- >> well, i would. do you want to set up the meeting. >> no, no, no. >> are they friends of yours. i know some of them. >> let's go, set up a meeting. >> trevor: are they friends of yours? are they? did you all grow up h in the hood together? huh? huh? while you're at it, i've been trying to get in touch with frederick douglas, can you invite him to the meeting, too? he embarrassed me bigly. you can see that reporter, are they friends of mine? i mean, yes, but still that's not the point. for someone who does know about the congressional black caucus, we go to roy wood, jr., everybody. ( cheers and applause ) >> thank you, trevor. oh, my lord. that was so embarrassing. trump didn't even know what the cbc was. proba