maura elbaresi supported the position of the leader of the duma party is working on the creation of a european anti-fascist movement. we are grateful to you that in this difficult, harsh time, when the russian world, the anglo-saxon globalists embraced the war, took the side of those who today are fighting with faith and truth, trying to liberate dear ukraine from nazism, bendery fascism. they are courageous, honest and very important to everyone us positions. maura el baredi. criticized the sanctions directed against russia, and also stated that attempts to rewrite the history of our country, including the pages of victory in the second world war in western countries, have already acquired an official state character; he emphasized that recently a revival of fascist movements has been recorded in europe. unfortunately, we are witnessing the strengthening of the forces of this fascist character. but what's worse is that we are seeing a situation in which these right-wing fascist movements are often combined with european states and governments,