joining us is maureen dugan, a registered nurse at ucsf. she has been with ucsf for more than 30 years. thank you for joining us today. why are the nurses angry? what has been happening that isn't working for nurses that you are calling attention to? i know how much stress you have been under. you have been doing heroic work taking care of patients during the pandemic, but what is happening now that is simply unworkable to mark maureen: critically and chronically understaffed units on a daily basis. we have met with ucsf management many times. they say they are hiring nurses, but it is not enough to cover the nurses out with workplace injuries, medical leave, quarantines. we are desperate at this point. they tell us two different stories and we are desperate. we are reaching out to the media and the community to say, we are here for you, we do the best we can, but we are very stressed and shortstaffed. we are calling on ucsf scale back the nonemergent surgeries and procedures, which they have been unwilling to do. they have only added more.