i'm maureen gannon. i've been with the department since june of 2012, but with the city for several years, 15 years. so, it's a pleasure to work in the department. and i hope to meet with you individually as the need arises. so, tonight carolyn and i are just going to go over kind of a budget overview at a relatively high level. our sworn hiring plan so you know how we're doing on that. a recivilianization or recivilianization effort, the new building, the public safety building, our technology initiatives that we're seeking funding for and other capital improvement projects and vehicles which is the major push for our budget this year. as you may recall, last year we presented and the board voted on a two-year budget. so, that's our budget is pretty much set. we're just sort of tweaking things that have come up. in addition, in the current year the mayor's office asked us to cut $1.5 million off of our base budget and we were able to do that with revenue solutions and some expenditure adjustments which