i'm maureen maring and i live at 1653 17th avenue, frisk, our family home. i'm here to present my appeal in opposition to the wireless cell set up. i would like to mention in all the information -- first of all, i would like to thank you all for being here and letting us talk. our home is right by this -- the pictures don't depict it accurately, it's closer. and in the information sent to us, it would be slightly defective. truly, our block has no wires. that's why families and people live here, moved on the block. there's families, my neighbors paid hundred thousand dollars, millions in mortgages. my neighbors have families and children and they work at home. this wireless cell in front of our home would really, truly detract when we see other places down the street what it looks like. also, i just wanted to say some of my neighbors didn't come here tonight because they're working. also, they feel defeated. they say no one's listening to us. we had to pay a $300 fee to come here again to ask for someone to listen to us. i just say, if you had your home and