maureen o'connell is back with us now.f experience who was on the evidence team response for the fbi. she knows exactly what law enforcement agents are doing tonight. i wonder for you to put up that picture of the suspect's house and we can see law enforcement agents outside of the house. marine you were talking earlier giving us a very descriptive account of what those law enforcement agents are doing tonight. he said they are going from room to room clearing each room marking every room marking every piece of evidence very laborious work. can you tell us more? >> sure. they probably had the help of the bomb squad or the hazmat group because you know we don't know what this person was into. indications would be available within the manifesto but one of the things i really want to talk about if it's okay some preventative measures that people can engage in. for example i think in this country have a crisis when it comes to security. there all kinds of solutions out there, not 100% but we have to start being serious about s