rita and maureen sullivan. those are the recipients of a wonderful award. the loafs and fishes award and i'm pleased to have you both here to discuss what this award is and how you got to this point. welcome. >> thank you. >> the loafs and fishes honoree is an annual award that's granted by the catholic charities organization of san francisco. it was started a hundred years ago approximately a little bit over a hundred years ago right after the earthquake. rita, could you just elaborate a little bit on that. >> well, i wasn't here then. but, catholic charities was there and it's wonderful work along with many other interface -- not interface, but safe organizations to help people after the earthquake and they've been doing this wonderful work ever since and they now have, it stands for catholic youth organization which provides opportunity for young people to do athletics. >> wonderful. now, both of you were chosen as honorees, personally, to you, maureen, what does that mean. >> well, once you get over the embarrassment of it because it consider it very ni