still with us is maurice gravier.the rba announcement today, they said recovery is stronger-than-expected. and will continue that way. what are the tailwinds economies are getting now, especially ones with more vaccinations, what is preventing these banks from tightening sooner? maurice: no bank once to be the first to tighten -- wants to be the first to tighten. you remove the support, even in the case of the rba, you don't want to derail your recovery, and you probably don't want to be the only want to do so. so everyone is watching everyone. correct me if i am wrong, but i think the rba had set conditions before hiking rates. we are not there yet. all the central banks care about their communication, not shocking the market, as they do about policy. they are trying to keep an open mind. manus: you are bang on the money which is that they want to see unemployment and wage growth of at least 3%. how comfortable are you with risk assets? you have a warning about negative rates. you are concerned about bubbles. but we