but i want to thank all of our guests today, treatment lindsay, mars maurice jackson and karen walker and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, our seo dot com. and for further discussion, do go to our facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is at a inside story from me and as the parent of the whole team here. bye for now. the me ah, the 35th leaky of the african union will see heads of states discuss coven 19 in the conflict in ethiopia, with climate change. but king of rancho and other west african, who's high on the agenda, can they deliver a unified response to the regions mounting challenges, special coverage on out just sarah, accounting, the cost of rough now of the year after bull run is various sentiment in stock market here to say very prices are 10 year high where the cost of coping become even more unaffordable and nigeria, petroleum, and as the on reforming the nation's oil sector. counting the cost on al jazeera americans are increasingly