my name is maurice moran. i'm an insur prolong in sierra leone, the founder of innovation hub, consent the tech hub. well worchol o events, printers and, and digital literacy education and the owner of a resort called south beach resort. in the early 2, thousands more on 2000 is when we migrated to the u. k because of the war, a lot of forswear refugees fleeing all parents at the time wanted a better education for their kids. so i think that was the main driver for why my parents are way like ok, let's get you guys to the u. k. so that you can get to a better school, better education, to the skills that develops. there's only one place i want it to be useful with that to see a young girl up in freetown, or was teaches you to be resilience cushions are asking what you see in me and it things that i do. so i was pushing to kind of create ecosystem, a better world outside of how to preach for everyone. when a bowler happened, i decided, okay, like i could mobilize my tech network that i had in the u. k. to see wh