staff sergeant maurio murray received a custom built home in florence township yesterday thanks to thelt to honor program: the fully furnished home is big enough for murray his wife and three children. murray was wounded in 2011 when his base was attacked in afghanistan. >> they kept calling me a hero and i'm like these guys are my heroes for stepping up to give back to freedom to help out the people that serve our country and come home injured. >> it's not the gift of the new home because, you know, he paid for this home in a way that i would not want to have to pay. >> operation finally home and the pulte made the mortgage free home possible for the family. >> a tennessee family has a unique way of keeping an eye on his dalmer run o'hearn is live on the big board on how he's literally becoming a hovering dad. do you think sal will get ideas. >> i hope not because i think his daughter would have a few things to say about it. most of us have heard of helicopter parenting, let's call this drone parenting except we're not being metaphorical. this tennessee father has as you said become a