mauritania. >> well, mauritania has a significant proportion of its population in slavery. >> hinojosa: so the proportion of the population in mauritania? >> is maybe 15-25%. >> hinojosa: enslaved. >> enslaved. but they have a long history of hereditary slavery there. >> hinojosa: but when you go, for example, to mauritania, or someone else, let's just say, are they going to see it? do they understand? do people understand what they're seeing, and is part of the work that you're doing in free the slaves is to teach us how to recognize what we need to be looking for? >> absolutely and it's interesting. you go to mauritania, you'd see someone literally in rags. say a 12-year-old boy, literally wearing rags. dirty, maybe scarred up, leading by the hand a beautifully dressed ten-year-old to take them to school. and you think, "wait, what is this, a servant? is this, like, the cousin nobody likes? i mean, what's going on here?" but the fact of the matter is this is one of the children of the slave family that belongs to the richer family that's sending the kid to school. >> hinojosa: and no