maurizio molinari is the u.s. correspondent for the italian newspaper "la stampa." and david ignatius is a columnist for the "washington post." he recently returned from a reporting trip in the middle east. thank you both for being here. maurizio molinari i'm going to start with you. there seemed to be a flurry of activity today. the british and the french looking at putting resolution together. what's going on there? >> the u.s. and the major european powers, u.k., france, spain, italy and germany, reached an agreement on the fact that qaddafi has to go. what the president said in the east room last week, tonight is the same position of all the major european countries. from this starting point they are working at the u.n. to have a resolution to authorize, legitimize an intervention. it's the same military intervention that this morning the secretary general of nato spoke about. but the problem is the frame. the international frame. both the u.s. and europe in this moment would like this intervention, whatever it will be, in the frame of an alliance or an agreemen