mausaliya. absolutely right, lenin's mausaliya.ena, play. for 300, a crow that flew into the menilmont station, lived in the metro of this capital for 3 months, after which the poor fellow managed to catch and release the light of god. paris, right, not only about birds 400, where everything at night pra... it was this romance that the main character of the film by karen shakhnazarov sang at his girlfriend's. nightingale, that's right, nightingale alyabyev. not only about the bird in the hundred. the philosophy museum in zelenogradsk is dedicated to these birds. there are various images of them. and even live exhibits. owls. that's right, this is the museum of owls and owls. rock for 100. it is believed that the name of this musical style was made popular by the famous post-war disc jockey alan free. rock and roll, that's right. rock 200. you can see it in the city of aznakayevo, in tatarstan. such a road provides transit traffic through the city bypassing the center. in moscow , two similar ones have been built: northern and south