and let's bring indeed abuse max holzman he is in strasburg following this case for us hi max how significant is it that the european court of human rights has ruled in favor of these to journalists. you can't get much higher than the european court of human rights especially of course in europe so what this does it sides with the constitutional court in turkey and let me just remind everybody how this played out because the constitutional court in turkey which is of course the highest court in turkey said that these two journalists need to be released but then a lower court said we're not going to do that we're against the constitutional court so you can't really be much more outside of the rule of law than that lower court has been and by the way those two aren't the only journalists that are being detained in turkey approximately one hundred fifty journalists at the moment are being detained after that coup attempt in two thousand and sixteen so this gives even more credibility to the highest court of turkey it gives it more punch and of course it builds up pressure against the turkish gov