let's ask max kettner, hsbc's global research chief, multi-asset strategist. back. >> thank you. >> what do you think, staying power or not? >> absolutely. i do think so. i think, you know, we're still sort of waiting for the absolute definitive buying signals, so some of our shorter-term signals are still only at sort of neutral level. really what we're trying to do is we're trying to absolutely nail the timing. let's be honest, when woo e loot next week's resale data, it is binary. we get for example, we get a setback and that's perhaps the absolute low, yeah. but if we look at a three to six-month ohr sigh don through one or two weeks, then, in fact, i would say what you guys were discussing before about, you know, about some of the fed being cool as a cucumber. i think that's exactly what we need right now because the data, in fact, are really not warranting that kind of panic that the market has been displaying for most of this week. even the high-frequency data, we see things like the staffing index, the weekly labor market data turned a bit higher, week