it was here that such talented people lived and worked as pavel dry yakov voice and max korzh dry evenre he became a world-famous designer, he worked as a simple teacher at the luninets school. here he met his love. sophia felik french teacher i liked it warm, beautiful and good people my journey continues see you on the road. only 40 km and from luninets you can get to mikashevichi, a town half the size, but the elephant will give birth to him, a similar story, a happy accident that gave the city a second life. in luninets, it was the construction of a railway, and in the case of the mikashevichs , the discovery of granite deposits. another modest quiet town on my way is mikashevichi, but this city is interesting to me for its powerful industrial character. i mean, granite quarries. i want to see it. according to legend, mikashevichi arose in the 17th century, when refugees from russia and the baltic began to settle in these places away from human eyes, the city owes its name to the indigenous inhabitant of these places, nikolai, by the name of mikash, and so mikashevich would have co