for example, you know, the most typical , the most classic, the comparative picture is when the max marae made the absolutely ternopil borscht embroidery, well, absolutely simple , identical. beautiful. od kutyu od couture and actually, fashion and designers are trying to respond to society's demand, and that's why we see, in addition to embroidered dresses, that many people are asking this. that's because the demand was huge, but in addition, there are a lot of t-shirts with, say, dog characters . recently, i saw an advertisement for children's sportswear in the color of pixel, which is very similar to the uniform of the armed forces. is it normal or is there an ethical limit in working with some modern symbols, especially if these symbols explain very traumatic events for society and how fast-paced is the fashion for this. well, for example, personally, i have always been a categorical opponent of the use of pixel and the use of military themes, because war is a great sorrow and, let's say, build on i personally am not interested in this fashion, although it is a very common phenomenon